Free Online Tool for Extracting Email Addresses From Any text in Seconds. It’s an online email extraction tool that helps you scrape email addresses from any text. You may copy that text from a file or website and make sure it is publicly available. We don’t recommend getting email addresses from private data, for it’s illegal and unethical.
Scraping refers to the automated process of obtaining data from websites. It can be effective only if the websites are targeted precisely. But the data must be public. Getting email addresses from the targeted resources can be extremely beneficial for your business.
With our free email extraction tool, you can easily get the email addresses from texts. For example, your product is related to nurses. And you have stumbled upon nursing sites having the email addresses of your potential customers.
If you can scrape or harvest the right email addresses from your data, it will be extremely valuable for you. You can send promotional deals and more with precise targeting. Or you can also sell your services and get started with lead generation
But there’s a proper process to do the email scraping or extraction safely. Let’s walk you through it so that you enjoy the benefits of email harvesting.